After getting back from hanging out with Mark in Dublin on Saturday, I turned around on Monday morning and got back on the bus to return to Dublin to meet Ann who had told me that she was going to be in Dublin for three days with her friends from Aberdeen, Geneva and Jason.
They had just finished going to the Guinness brewery when I arrived, so I checked into my hostel and walked to meet them. I showed them St. Stephen's Green and the beautiful lake in it, and then we decided to check out Merrion Square, which is very similar to St. Stephen's Green, except that there is no lake and it's quite a bit smaller. We had hoped to check out the National Gallery, but unfortunately, it is closed on Mondays. So we basically just spent the better part of the afternoon wandering around downtown Dublin. I would point out some buildings or things that I knew and thought were interesting, and the Scotland folk would window shop. That evening we met some of Geneva's friends that go to Trinity College for dinner. We went to this place called O'Neills, and they had a fantastic Irish stew! Lots of potatoes, really thick gravy, and tender juicy hunks of meat. When you top that off with a pint of Guinness, then it was a perfect meal for the evening. After dinner I suggested that we all go to the Porterhouse, which was obviously the best choice possible. It got even better when we got there and I discovered that due to The Porterhouse Independent Beer & Whiskey Festival that was going on at the time, Porterhouse had their seasonal beer for Spring, Chocolate Truffle Stout, on tap! It was an amazingly awesome pint! To me it tasted like a sweeter pint of Guinness Draught, with a chocolate aftertaste (like if someone had squirted liquid dark chocolate in you mouth immediately after you had swallowed your stout). It has definitely become one of my favorite beers ever.
We all just hung out at the Porterhouse for the rest of the evening and then went back to our respective hostels, said our goodnights and goodbyes and went to bed.
I woke up, got on the bus back to Cork, and once I got back and showered got to work on my last assignment for Fourier Methods.
Thursday & Friday Morning(04/02 - 03/2009):
I guess I should have felt lucky that I was up very late trying to finish my Fourier Methods homework, because at about 2 AM on Friday morning some of our neighbors at South Mall Court Apt #4 started having an after party from some formal on the balcony between the two towers of the building. This balcony is on our level. So while I was listening to some Bach concertos and looking for some Fourier Transform patterns there were people drinking, screaming, running around and listening to loud music on the balcony not 4 feet to my right. To me it didn't really mater, as I wasn't trying to sleep, but I did feel very bad for Giorgio who was trying to sleep and was having an impossible time. He eventually gave up and got online to do some work. He told me over the internet that Giovanni was "sleeping like a lamb" across the room. Giovanni is like me, and once he's asleep, he's not going to wake up until his body wants to. Giorgio also described his feeling for our Irish neighbors and their party friends, but I don't feel that I can reproduce that language on this blog, as I am unsure as to the age level of those reading it...or more like how foul language will offend the adults reading this. It was also a lucky thing that Shawn had departed for his tour of Ireland already, as there would have been no way that he could sleep through all that noise. In the morning, I got up, went to UCC to turn in my work, and then came back, slept a little, and then packed for my impending two week excursion of continental Europe.
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